
Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Alicavniss Vonnarc, Drow Conjurer Wip

        Here we are again with the next model up. I took off a few days for the holidays, but finally jumped back on my painting. This one has been primed white, very similar to the orc I pained previously.

    Next, I have completed the base coats, and since this is a smaller model it is coming along pretty quickly.

    For the skin I have used a mix of cygnar blue and skorne red to produce a deep purple color. I covered the metal parts with thamar black, and a 2 to one mix of cygnar blue, and thamar black for the robe.

    The hair will eventually be a vibrant white color, so I have base coated it with iron hull grey. This will help to fill in the deep shadowy areas.
    The wood part of the staff was painted with umbral umber, and black for the metal parts.

After looking at it up to this point, I may make a few changes to the robe color. I wanted to get as much painted as possible so that on the next step I can apply details. Either way I am pleased with how it is turning out.
Stay tuned for more pics!

Here are the latest pics for this model. I have used a mix of skorne red, cygnar blue, and morrow white to highlight the skin. For the metal parts i have drybrushed a layer of quicksilver. 
The hair has been drybrushed with morrow white as well.

     I am pleased that is it coming right along nicely. Up next will be more highlights, and completing the robe and staff. Until next time!

    Up next, I have cleaned up the face a bit by blending cygnar blue, morrow white, and thamar black. I have also painted blue ink, and black ink into the deep recesses of the robe for shadows. For the light sources on the robe I mixed cygnar blue with morrow white. I have started to blend the robe a little bit, but wanted to show the progress so far before completing it.

So, next up I have blended the robe more with cygnar blue, and morrow white. On the staff and the leather straps I have blended mixes of bloodtracker brown / hearthfire, and hearthfire / beast hide blends. For the chest piece I painted some layers of skorne red mixed with thamar white while blending it towards the light sources.

I have also taken some time to lighten up the silver areas with more quicksilver. And touched up any areas that needed it. Here are the results:

Up next I will paint the base, and then attach her to it.

                                                        Here are the final results, enjoy:

This one was a bit more challenging than the previous model, but was still fun to paint. Hope you enjoyed watching it come to life, until next time!

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